Neurological and Physiological Psychology at UW-Green Bay

UW-Green Bay Neurological and Physiological Psychologists

cowellDr. Jason Cowell

Dr. Cowell studies the neural development of moral judgment, moral action, theory of mind, empathy, self-control, and prosocial behavior in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. He uses electroencephalography, functional neuroimaging, psychophysiological measures, eye-tracking, and behavioral paradigms to investigate the complexities of developing morality and self-control in the US and cross-culturally.  He teaches Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience.

Contact him at:

Clinical and Counseling Psychology at UW-Green Bay

UW-Green Bay Clinical and Counseling Psychologists

ryanDr. Ryan Martin

Dr. Martin’s research interests include the study of healthy and unhealthy anger in a variety of contexts (e.g., assessment and treatment of anger problems, understanding how anger is expressed online). He manages the anger and violence blog, All the Rage, and hosts the podcast with the same name.  He teaches courses in Abnormal Psychology, Psychology of Emotion, Research Methods in Psychology, and a capstone course on anger and violence.

vespiaDr. Kris Vespia

Dr. Vespia’s research interests include mental health services on college campuses, multiculturalism (e.g., multicultural competence, the intersection of culture and mental health), career development, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She enjoys working regularly with students in Research Assistantships, Independent Studies, Internships, and Honors Projects.”


Social Psychology at UW-Green Bay

UW-Green Bay Social Psychologists

burnsDr. Kate Burns

Dr. Burns conducts research on stereotypes, emotion, and self-regulation. She is very interested in working with students on research.  She teaches Research Methods, Statistics, and Social Psychology.


senzakiDr. Sawa Senzaki

Dr. Senzaki’s research interests lie at the crossroads of cultural, developmental, and social psychology. Her recent project examines the process of cultural transmission from parents to their children in the U.S., Canada, and Japan. She is looking forward to working with students in research assistantships.

smithDr. Christine Smith

Dr. Smith does research on gender, stigma, and relationships, and lesbian and gay issues. Current research interests include partner preferences, weight stigma and body image, and well-being among stigmatized groups.  She teaches Research Methods, Social Psychology, and Psychology of Women.